
Thursday, February 10, 2022

insomnia? Now follow 7 fast ways to sleep without medicine!

It is undeniable that sleep disorders are a common problem experienced by both office workers and entrepreneurial workers., To a housewife. We often suffer from anxiety and worries in our daily lives. Instead of resting, the brain gets busy thinking about ways to sleep quickly and effectively. Even if you can sleep, your mind and body will not be healthy when you wake up.

Many people offer sleeping pills as a solution, but it's even more harmful to your body, so it's best not to switch to a faster sleeping pill with the drug. It's best to get a more natural and harmless sleep faster. Kania shares six easy ways to sleep without the use of drugs. Method?

Reduce caffeine consumption

3 cups of coffeeunsplash.com/nate_dumlao

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee are workers' prima donna to increase productivity and attention. Unfortunately, drinking too much caffeine can make sleep difficult and can reduce the duration and quality of sleep.

The most effective and easiest way to sleep quickly is to limit the amount of caffeinated drinks daily. Try to drink your last coffee for up to 6 hours before bedtime.This fast sleep method may seem overwhelming to caffeine lovers,, Your body will definitely feel healthy as it allows you to rest comfortably and wake up healthier.

As an advocate of this fast sleep method, be sure to drink a drink that soothes your brain, like milk. almond, Coconut water, or tea chamomile..

Eat carbs

Green pesto paste with chopped tomatoes and celery on a plateunsplash.com/eaterscollective

Eating too much carbs can lead to weight gain, but carbs are a way to get you to sleep faster. According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, you should eat a carbohydrate diet at least 4 hours before bedtime. This fast sleep method helps you sleep faster and better.

Carbohydrate foods that can be consumed according to this fast bedtime method include white rice, pasta, white bread, and potatoes. If you have a diet program or are reducing carbohydrates, eat carbohydrate foods only at dinner. With this fast sleep method, you can rest quietly and not gain weight.

Use lavender air freshener

Get a good night's sleep with lavender oil in a small glass bottleShutterstock.com

After following the previous quick sleep method, spray the air freshener lavender variant when you are ready to go to bed. A 2005 study by several people at Wesleyan University found that study subjects who smelled lavender oil for the first two minutes at 10-minute intervals were able to sleep faster, refresh and wake up. ..

Not only are the flowers beautiful, but the scent of lavender flowers can relax your nerves and lower your blood pressure. This quick way to sleep with the scent of purple flowers will put you to sleep and lead you into a sweet dream world.

Don't look at the clock too much

Woman holds medicine next to her with an alarmShutterstock.com

An alarm clock on the bedside table helps you know the time quickly. Instead of unnoticed and constantly checking your watch, sleep soundly and look back. Lisa Meltzer, a scholar at the National Sleep Foundation and a professor at the National Jewish Health Denver, says that this habit actually stresses the brain, causing it to become restless and unable to sleep immediately.

Make sure you cannot see the alarm clock when you go to bed. This fast sleep method will calm your brain and gradually you will fall asleep in deep sleep.

Cool the room

Woman sleeping with air conditionerShutterstock.com

According to the Harvard Medical Center, body temperature and blood pressure drop during sleep. To support your body's performance during sleep, use the following air conditioners to get a good night's sleep. air conditioning Or a fan.

This fast sleep method should also be supported in a dark and comfortable room. This fast sleep method is thought to be effective because the brain produces a large amount of melatonin, a hormone that helps humans sleep by turning off the light source in the room.

Put your face in a container of cold water

Underwater woman's facetheblushworks.com

As mentioned earlier, the main problem with human insomnia is the anxiety that continues to occupy the control center of our body. Your heart beats faster and your blood pressure rises, making it impossible to apply fast sleep therapy to get a good night's sleep.

The fix is ​​to soak your face in a container filled with cold water for 30 seconds.How to sleep quickly with this technique Mammal diving reflex Cold water has the ability to reduce fast heartbeats.

This fast sleep method can be done to reset a brain contaminated with excessive labor. Through this unique fast sleep method, you can calm down, relax and sleep.

Use of vetiver oil

Vetiver oil


If you need a pleasant scent in your bedroom, you can use vetiver oil. Vetiver oil is thought to treat anxiety and other emotional disorders that cause insomnia.

Perform the above 6 simple sleep methods on a regular basis. Balance a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise. Because a healthy body can certainly support how to sleep quickly. good luck!

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