
Thursday, February 10, 2022

5 Ways to Care for Taro, Beautiful Green Exotic

What comes to your mind when you hear taro? The criminal's plant? of course not. Taro is the name of the leaves of the genus Caladium and Alocasia. This type of ornamental plant is often used as an option to decorate a home both indoors and outdoors.

Potted taro in the vegetable gardenShutterstock.com

Enter taro into an internet search engine and you will find taro in different colors and patterns. This is the main value that makes it so valuable. The clearer the color or pattern, the more expensive it is. In addition, the short, lush leaf stems make this ornamental plant more valuable.

In order for taro to grow with great results, you need to take care of them in the right way. Follow the steps below to take care of ornamental taro to avoid unwanted things such as rot!

Adjust watering according to climatic conditions

Water the taro plants by watering the iron plantsShutterstock.com

Basically, taro live in moist habitats. The plant is watered with a watering can once a day during the dry season and every other day during the rainy season to ensure adequate water.

Taro requires a lot of water, but it quickly rots, so don't over-water it every time. Be careful not to dry these plants as they can lead to dormancy and interrupted animations. However, make sure that the water does not stagnate even in potted plants.

Use sterile planting medium

Media for planting taro with loose soil and pieces of woodShutterstock.com

Apart from water, the presence of planting media is less important. Commonly used planting media are finely sliced ​​bamboo leaves, shells and roasted shells. Before use, it must be steamed in a pot to sterilize the planting medium so that the bacteria and bacteria are destroyed.

If possible, mix the three growth media in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. Alternatively, one of these growth media can be selected and used as a place for taro plants to grow.

Please irradiate according to the type of taro

Leaves of carajium plants with white leaf contourShutterstock.com

As mentioned above, taro is composed of two genera, Caladium and Alocasia. Both have different treatments, especially for lighting issues.

Alocasia odora plants should be stored in shaded areas, such as patio tables and curtain-covered windows. On the other hand, Caladium taro requires a lot of light, so it can be placed outdoors such as in the front yard.

Don't forget to apply fertilizer

Hand holding taro fertilizerShutterstock.com

Not only humans, but also plants need nutrients to stay healthy. Taro is fertilized 4 to 5 weeks after birth. Use complete organic fertilizers such as shrimp pellets (crustaceans). This fertilizer contains 16 amino acids that can stimulate taro growth and antibodies.

You can try other types of fertilizers as well as completely organic fertilizers. The most important thing is to ensure that the selected fertilizer does not have a higher N content than other substances. This substance is not suitable for non-green ornamental taros as it can attract chlorophyll in taros. Reds, pinks, whites, yellows, etc. are lost and can be replaced by greens.

Make sure the taro is free of pests

Green grasshopper insect on the leafShutterstock.com

Finally, you must be enthusiastic about checking the condition of your taro plant. The insects that normally interfere with this plant are leafworms and grasshoppers. Both often bite the leaves of taro. How do you handle it?

If the damage or the number of insects is still small, pick up the insects one by one and throw them away. Insecticide intervention is required if insects are found to have caused extensive damage to taro crops. Spray the pesticide every 10 days at the dose listed on the pesticide.

In addition to the five ways to care for taro above, there are a few things to keep in mind. Taro has a small number of leaves, so it is best to plant them together so that they look thick. If a flower emerges from a Caladium plant, it indicates dormancy and should be cut immediately. Increase the frequency of watering without stagnating the water in the pot.

In addition to that, more attention should be paid to the placement. The reason is that taro is toxic. Therefore, make sure that the taro is out of the reach of children and pets. Don't forget to find a variety of other agricultural tips and tricks at Decorma. Learn about garden design inspiration, how to make bonsai, and how to get rid of pests.

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Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/78884/cara-merawat-tanaman-keladi

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