
Friday, January 28, 2022

Where do you want to make a carp pond?

Are you a fan of aquarium fish, especially carp? If you like carp, you won't be confused about building your favorite carp pond anymore. Did you know that Koi Pond can improve the design of your home?

The presence of a carp pond makes your home look beautiful and beautiful. Especially when the carp pond is added to the presence of various green plants and fountain models around the wall, you can be intrigued to see the carp pond in your garden. That's why some people make carp ponds more desirable than building an aquarium.

Of course, beginners will be confused about how to make a carp pond. What are the precautions when making a carp pond? How about a carp pond that is safe and guarantees the health and growth of these beautiful carps? Take a look at the steps below!

Things to consider when building a carp pond

Stabilization of carp pondblogspot.com

Although there are many advantages to raising carp, it is not easy to raise carp that seems to be native to Japan because the water quality of the carp pond must be maintained at all times. This has to do with how to design and make a good carp pond. Put the carp in a big pond. Due to its water needs, every inch of fish is proportional to 10 gallons of water. This is not unreasonable. Carp live longer if the water is kept clean and the water quality is good.

In addition to the amount of water, you need to pay attention to the pH of the water in the carp pond. Check the pH of the water before and after adding the fish. Especially for carp, pH 7 is ideal. If the pH is higher than 7, the risk of ammonia poisoning is more susceptible to carp. On the other hand, pH can also drop to 5.5 as a result of fish, plant and bacterial activity. Of course, this is very dangerous for carp.

The size of the carp pond should be adjusted according to the density and number of fish. It is also necessary to pay attention to the construction of the drainage channel of the carp pond. Carp ponds are usually cleaned twice a year.

Choosing a pond location for carp affects carp health

It is important to consider not only the design of the home fishpond, but also whether the pond should be indoors or outdoors, as it affects the sunlight on the ornamental fish. The carp pond should be well exposed to sunlight. It's not too hot, it's not too humid, and it's not exposed to sunlight.

Good lighting in the carp pond will maximize your pet's carp. However, as a side effect, algae and moss grow rapidly, so it's no wonder that the pool water turns green quickly.

Indoor position of carp pondTrendir.com

Aiming for an indoor carp pond, you need to expose it to plenty of sunlight. Koi need warm sunlight for more than 3 hours a day. Insufficient sunlight can cause the carp to become lighter in color. Therefore, create a sufficiently bright pool. If the pond with fish is indoors, you can illuminate it with an incandescent lamp instead of sunlight.

Carp pond design

The shape of the carp pondblogspot.com

Koi ponds come in three basic shapes: square, round, oval, and freestyle. If you want to create a formal carp pond style, you can apply a square. This style is suitable as a room minimalist fish pond design for official purposes.

Round or oval carp ponds, on the other hand, are suitable for elegant, luxurious, traditional and casual style homes. Finally, the free form is suitable for application to tourist homes and inns such as villas and hotels. Freestyle is also suitable for homes with a natural rustic atmosphere and a large garden.

Carp pond filtration system design

Koi pond filter


Since the carp digestion process requires oxygen, the purpose of the carp pond filtration system is to ensure that the oxygen in the pond water is sufficient for the carp's life. On the other hand, the digestion of carp produces toxic waste products, including ammonia, in the body of the carp. Therefore, the filtration system not only continuously produces oxygen for the carp, but also removes the ammonia that results from the digestion of the carp.

There are two types filter You can choose to apply it to the carp pond, ie filter With mechanics filter biological. filter A mechanic works by pouring water into a container that contains filter media such as napkins, gravel, sand, and filters sieve, Jap mat, Form or Form, Cotton, or brush material.

filter Biological action by other organisms that break down dirt in carp ponds.Creatures that can be used as a medium filter This is a water hyacinth plant or plant form filter In addition, water jasmine, tifa, umbrella, aquatic plants of butterfly leaves, etc.

Determining the size of the carp pond

The size of the carp pondblogspot.com

At this stage, accurate and careful calculations are required to ensure that the pool of results conforms to the design. The ideal carp pond depth is 1 meter for carp less than 30 cm, but for carp 30-40 cm, the ideal pool depth is 1 meter to 1.5 meters, 40 cm. For carp that exceeds, the depth of the pool is required. Must be at least 1.5 meters.

In addition, attention should be paid to the number of fish that occupy the pond to determine this size. If the population is too small, it will be difficult for the fish to find food.

Decision-Carp pond sizeblogspot.com

Conversely, too much will cause the fish to fight for food and oxygen. The ideal population can be calculated with a carp that is three times the size of the body.

To facilitate the construction of the carp pond, we will also consider the design of the selected fishpond and make a plan including a detailed description of the size according to the calculations performed. This is done to prevent the size of the carp pond from matching during the manufacturing process.

Construction of carp pond

Making a carp pondwordpress.com

The construction of Koi Pond goes through three stages of the manufacturing process. It begins with resistance to soil excavation, casting and brick installation, and finally plastering or plastering the pond. The first process involves drilling based on a previously calculated size.

One thing to keep in mind at this stage is not to spout groundwater and wet the bargains. If the drilling does not reach the proper depth and water spurts out, the water should be pumped to keep it dry and facilitate the next process.

Making a carp pondGoogle COM

The next process is stone casting and laying, which can only be done when the excavation hole is completely dry. This process needs to be done quickly so that groundwater infiltration does not occur again. Next, the final process that needs to be performed is the plastering or replacement of the pool.

The purpose of the formulation is to improve the surface of the pond so that it does not damage the carp. In contrast to the walls, the stucco in the pond has Margason added as a hardener. Next, epoxy is given to remove the level of alkaline substances contained in the cement.Finally, add coating As a coating to prevent the pool from cracking easily.

Stabilization of the condition of the carp pond

Koi pondthedailymash.co.uk

After performing all the above processes, the carp pond is ready. But is it worth using? It turns out that the new carp pond cannot be used as a place to live for your favorite carp because it still has a high alkali content from gypsum.

Leave it for the first week, add fungal and flea-killing drugs, and drain daily. From the 2nd to the 3rd week, the pool should be given probiotics. Pool eligibility can only be tested within 1 month from the 4th week.

These are the steps to create a carp pond that you can use at home. Make a decoration in the middle or one side of the carp pond so that you don't feel stressed. The decoration can also be the aquarium decoration. good luck!

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Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/64016/membuat-kolam-koi

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